Can Chiropractic Help a Herniated Disc?
We find that people often freak out when they find out they herniated a disc. A lot of these people then run straight to the MD for medical procedures. But did you know that chiropractic can help a herniated disc?
While there are the…
Crossfit Open 14.3 Tips and Strategies
Ok, I know what everyone is thinking. "This is going to kill MY back." Yes, BUT only if you lose your biomechanics, form, and don't listen to the body. I did this on Thursday night and woke up feeling fine Friday morning but I went at 90%. My…
Why do you need PROBIOTICS when using Antibiotics?
When we feel those sinus-like symptoms start to kick in, our society tends to turn to antibiotics like amoxicillin. The antibiotics then eliminate both the thriving and harmful bacteria that is intruding…