What Does The Chiropractic Roller Table Do?
May people ask us about the roller tables we have in our office, more specifically they ask "What does the Chiropractic Roller table do?" and "What benefits do they provide?".
A differentiating factor between us and most chiropractors…
Which Natural Supplements Are the Best Options?
Supplements and diets and vitamins. Which natural supplements are the best options? There are so many choices out there, so where does one begin to even look for answers? When choosing high-quality supplements, there are key characteristics…
Is Chiropractic a Cult?
Over the past 5 years a few people have often asked me "Is Chiropractic a cult?". This question presents an unfortunate outlook that I will be discussing in this article.
Cult vs. Lifestyle
People sometimes associate chiropractic and cult…